
Okay.   I am officially swamped.  Every time I turn on my computer, I get a hundred more e-mail enquiries.  Last night I answered some of the e-mails, but today, I got several hundred more.

My site has gone viral; people say that I’m on Pinterest; people are blogging about me. But  now I don’t know how long people will have to wait before I get to their order.  The 4-6 week turnaround time has just gone out the window.

If you sent me an e-mail or drawing ( I have seen so many sweet and funny ones ), please bear with me as I send out acknowledgements.  I don’t have the time to provide quotes right now, and I don’t know when I can.

I am a bit overwhelmed, but I am also very appreciative of all the enthusiasm and lovely comments people have been leaving me.  Thank you soooo much!

Okay, back to my e-mails.

139 thoughts on “Oy!

  1. When you can capture every person that comes to this site to view every single project you’ve ever made and give you more than 20 minutes of their time you know you’ve hit it big! : ) I love all of your work and can’t help but share. P.S. Please set up a Facebook page and see what I mean with all the likes you will get! : )

  2. Too late, you are famous in Brazil and I know quite a bit of people that want your address to place the order ( including myself) 🙂 Start to think about worldwide business!!!!

  3. I wish I could.I wish I could help you sew these stuffies, but my sewing skills are lacking. I did put a word out there in the craftster world to see if there would be anyone out there willing to help. I hope it brings you some results!

  4. Sending good thoughts that you are able to handle the traffic and not lose your mind! FYI, in case you are tracking where traffic is coming from, I found you because your Flickr Photostream was a link on iStockPhoto’s Happy Huesday weekly newsletter on 2/13.

  5. Well…I am sorry, but I told everyone about you already! When I found you on Pinterest I was so excited and i just shared and emailed, etc… I am currently in the search of which one of my kids drawings gets chosen to come to life as one of your creations. 🙂 I hope you get all the work you want and can handle… I also hope you are able to find people as talented as yourself to help you fill all the orders coming your way.

  6. Oops! I’m one of those people who blogged about you! LOL I just had to share though, because I think what you do is fabulous! But I won’t do it again. I mean, until/unless you want people to!

  7. don’t share??? haha! I think you have gone viral and it’s too late. Looks like you are going to need to hire a staff….once it’s on pinterest it’s there…and I just found you…and now I want one! CONGRATS you are going to be crazy successful! 🙂

  8. Dude! You’ve obviously hit on something great here! you need to protect your idea and turn it into a business and hire people pronto! Can you smell the $$ and doing something creative you love to boot! American dream baby! Put out an add for seamstresses that want to do these projects for you, call an accountant with what you need to do to hire/pay people and run with it! congrats!

  9. Sorry, just found you on Tumblr! I’ll keep you a secret but I doubt people will be upset that you get behind because you’re famous =] I’ll eventually put in orders for my kids!

  10. Set up an email autoresponse, and don’t even try to reply to each personally! Pick your projects and reply to those only. Don’t let admin overwhelm creativity time. Good luck!! Your fame is well deserved, and earned.

  11. Ok I guess I will be adding to the overwhelming-ness but my boys are dying to have one of these made! When and how can I get in contact with you about it? I am not in a huge hurry I understand it must be very stressful to be bombarded because of Pinterest! Haha! But I think this is amazing!!!

  12. Your work is amazing.

    Have you thought of hiring help that can work remotely from their home part-time??? to help with emails, etc?

    I’d be happy to help if you ever considered it.

  13. Amazing work! My 7-year-old son is sitting next to me and desperately begging to have his own drawing turned into one of your masterpieces! GREAT WORK (and yes, I predict we’ll be placing an order in the future!)

  14. This is amazing stuff. Please take the advice of others and raise your prices to make a fair wage for yourself AND enough to expand your buisness to meet demand (without changing it completely). Art needs to be valued more in the world!

  15. Congratulations on your success and I hope you don’t get burnt out by it. Your idea is phenomenal and perhaps you will be able to findpeople to help you!


  16. *don’t read this * 🙂

    These are so amazing and wonderful and creative and amazing. Not that you have ANY time, but what about putting this on kickstarter and raising a ton of money so you can buy a cloning device?

    (I’m assuming you’re like my mother and don’t believe anyone could possibly do it as good as you do, so hiring help is out of the question LOL)

    *sigh* hopefully by the time my 3 and 5 are old enough to draw something with two lines that actually intersect in a way that can turn into one of your amazing creations, you’ll have trained the clone army.

    Keep it up.
    Best wishes,

  17. I was seriously about to post your link on facebook and then I saw you need to be on the down low for a while. Girl you need to call the bank, get a loan, and start a business. Because you are about to explode (in a good way). You’ve come up with a brilliant idea and you are so talented. You’ve gone viral… You could easily be the next big thing.

  18. Too Late! Time to expand your business. Double/ triple your pricing to keep orders at bay while you figure out a way to expand.

    Such a great idea.

  19. Looks like you’re getting plenty of encouragement, but a little more doesn’t hurt, right? ;o)

    What a fantastic idea you have here, and your 3-dimensional, creative execution of a child’s original idea is incredible.

    May you find quick fingers, few mistakes, and hours that allow you more time than you knew possible, as you plow your way through more work than you could have ever asked for or imagined. How exciting to see your business suddenly take off!

  20. Wow! A few weeks ago you had a few replies per post, this one has 90. Congratulations =) It’s too bad there’s not really a way for you to expand considering how specialized you are… Hmm. Enjoy your success, your softies really are amazing!

  21. Amazing. Inspiring. Unique. Life impacted by a memory, a creation and voila! it becomes reality. This is the stuff dreams are made of. Please contact me when I can place an order.

  22. Just popping in to give you some kudos. Your work is FANTASTIC!!!!!! No wonder the whole world wants a part of you. I hope you can hold on to the joy of the process as you get bigger and busier.

  23. Came across you on Pinterest. Your work is absolutely incredible! I have thoroughly enjoyed looking through your posts! I am tempted to re-pin but won’t at your request! What an amazing and inspiring talent you have!

  24. calm down guys…..there is donna wilson in the UK, lucymoose in the UK, feltmistress in the uk, and a girl in Paris doing the same kind of thing, this isn’t “a wheel” moment!

  25. I hope you know how talented you are. These are incredible. I know some of the credit has to go to the kiddos for providing amazing inspiration, but it takes a special person to bring that to life. 🙂

  26. I actually heard about you on the radio here in Chicago. I’m expecting a little one soon, so I hope you’re still doing your amazing work in a few years.

  27. HOLY COW! you are amazing!!! I just found you from a blog (even though you told the bloggers to stop for a bit. 🙂 I will be sharing with others! You are so talented!

  28. I know I am just repeating what everyone has said but SERIOUSLY…such a creative, genius idea! I just wish I had some of your talent so I could do this for my little ones! Such a keepsake to have! I would LOVE to order one but understand the crazy response. I don’t ever leave “comments” for people but I HAD to tell you how amazing this idea is. I showed all the teachers on my staff at school yesterday and everyone thought your work was incredible. BEST of LUCK building your business. I will be following and would love to place an order soon. I will start digging through the drawings now :0)

  29. Yes, I just read about your blog on another blog! You have an amazing talent. This is how businesses are born! Enjoy your success.

  30. These are beautiful and amazing. What a perfect way to capture a child’s artwork forever. Forget everyone who says to turn this into a “real business.” If you’re not interested in expanding because you are doing it for the love of it – jack your prices super-high to control demand and create a waiting list.

    Do it at your pace or you will lose the love of it!

  31. This is brilliant. I wanted one for my daughter instantly. At first I thought what if someone or a crowd funded this, but then I thought about rework (signal vs noise book), and black swan (book not Natalie Portman Movie). Don’t let anyone ruin it. Long live the local Opera singer. We’ll all just have to wait.

  32. Beautiful, inspiring work! Now go find yourself a good lawyer (mind you, at this point, if anyone tries to rip off your original idea, I think you’ve got an entire internet community that will have your back).

  33. I just have to say–you are amazing. What an awesome product. I agree with others, take a deep breath and enjoy your success. You truly have an awesome gift. Good luck with those hundreds of emails. 🙂

  34. These are amazing and I can only imagine how you feel right now! Hang in there and keep your chin up! It will all work out:) Looks like you’ve tapped into something amazingly special-you’ll be in my thoughts:)

  35. Wow! Sounds like you are about to have your world turned upside down. Yes, Pinterest is where I found you. I cannot wait to have this for my son. So adorable!

  36. i love this idea and that you are canadian!!! i’m trying to stop the flow of stuffies in this house but would definitely make an exception for these treasures. i have a wall of mario kart pictures and one of princess peach in particular….once you crawl out of the pile of fabric you are no doubt trapped under i would love to talk to you about a feature on my blog – canadians have to support canadians!!! good luck!

  37. I love it. That’s what happened to me over Thanksgiving. Came back from a nice restfull vacation and someone “pinned” my art. And it went from there. I am still trying to catch up. Good luck to you. I love your stuff…. and your sense of humor. Blessings, Tracy Fisher

  38. Do what you need to do to keep loving what you do….. it is so apparent looking at your creations that you DO love it! Please don’t stop posting the photos, though. Looking at them makes me so happy!

  39. Just went through your blog – you have lovely, AMAZING work. I just felt like I had to add to people’s comments advising you about business structuring – I echo that you should seek out some help in making sure you are getting what you deserve in light of your fabulous idea and execution. Even if you just stay on your own, please consider raising your prices so that the price reflects the amount of time you put into each piece, plus insurance/taxes/equipment. When you say that you spend a few days on each, that worries me – because when you break down your rate into per-hour terms (especially if you included equipment/gas/insurance/taxes), you can’t be making that much more than minimum wage? Artists need to make a fair living. Please, please, please get some business advice! Even if you have to let go of control of every softie made, think of all the happy children there could be.

  40. What amazing work you do! Sorry you have gotten so swamped, but am thankful for you as well. My prayers for you as you catch up and get back on track! ;o)

  41. Find a way to make this big business! You should go on Shark Tank! I’ll bet they would give you big bucks for this idea! So brilliant and you have such a great eye for the design. I wish I could order something for my daughter’s birthday next month. She would absolutely die when she saw her creative fairy drawing come to life!

  42. LOL on keeping this a secret. Once something goes viral, good or bad, it’s hard to keep a lid on it. But I do respect that and wish you the best, and i won’t even link to you from Facebook or anything… You’re a wonderfully talented person with a terrific idea, and I hope you become fabulously wealthy from it! Great work, keep it up!

  43. What a wonderful talent! This is a great way to remember a child’s work. I hope this doesn’t get too overwhelming that you begin to see it as drudgery.

  44. I just want to say that this is by far the best thing I’ve seen and nobody else seems to be doing it. I Love your work and will wait as long as I need to. You are FABULOUS

  45. I agree with the above commenters! The creations you make from the kids drawings are wondeful and perfect reflections on what the kids have put on paper. Congratulations on your overwhelming sucess!

  46. Yep, you’re on Pinterest and spreading like wildfire. I’m sorry I repinned you before I came here, but I don’t have too many followers LOL. What an ingenious idea! Love your work!

  47. you have such an amazing talent and it’s no wonder you have gone viral! I seriously would back you if you need an investor in starting a company. Definately copyright this asap. Looking forward to doing business with you after you catch up! cheers!

  48. Have you considered hieing some friends, locals to help you? You could have a serious business here. Great job, Your bringing Children’s imaginations to life!

  49. I found you on Pinterest. The pin I saw had 22 pins of its own. Who knows how many more times it has been repinned??? Luckily, I don’t have kids yet…and won’t for a long time. But I will be keeping you in mind in a few years. 😉 Just wanted to let you know your work is so unique and creative. I’m really impressed! You do a fantastic job!

  50. So sorry, think I might be partly to blame for your stress level this week. People know a great thing when they see it I guess 🙂 Good Luck getting things back under control and to a level you are a comfortable with … in the meantime, thought you might like to see what all the hoopla was about http://pinterest.com/pin/149674387585715506/ . If you would like me to remove this pin, just let me know – – it wont change all the people who have already repinned it, but it will keep new folks from finding it. Happy to help & sorry for any inconvenience. Really love, love, love what you’re doing here

  51. You have hit Australian shores with a bang. You are all over Facebook here.
    I love your work. Last year I started a cushion with an embroidered picture drawn by my niece. You have inspired me to find it out and finish it.
    Thank you for sharing your work with the world!!!

  52. Holy crap. You are AMAZINGLY talented!!! This is fantastic! I’m so glad you exist! And that you decided to do this! And that you are blogging about it!!!!! 🙂

  53. I absolutely love this. I would seriously dig through and find some of my own drawings I made when I was little just to have them made. You’ve gone viral, all over pintrest! Copyright this stuff! Thank you for your creativity!

  54. As a second grade teacher, this is SUCH a great idea. I love when my students draw “me” and it would be SO cool to have one of their drawings come to life. I too will wait with much anticipation until I can get my hands on one of these babies! Do whatever it takes to copyright this and keep your business booming. You have quite literally struck gold with this idea!! Will you let your followers know when a good time to submit artwork is, or should we just submit and wait?

  55. Hi! I love your work. I don’t know if you can handle it, but I found this website in an online newspaper from Spain with 13 million unique viewers. Scary?

  56. Oh wow!! You will need an army of staff to help you!! CONGRATS……on a great business idea & on such huge success. I was actually just about to blog about you….until I read this post….so I’ll keep it shhhh for now 🙂 Great work! x

  57. No, No, No! I just read this- NO!! I’m truly sorry you’re feeling swamped and overwhelmed, but you are too talented and this is too genius of an idea to be hidden! Hire someone inexpensive- a design intern, a business major intern, a public relations intern, SOMEone- but get some help and do NOT let this opportunity go! A design intern can help you create, a business major can help you structure to succeed, a pr intern can get you on Good Morning, America, where you can really boom! You don’t know me from Adam (or Eve), and I apologize for being so direct, but the opportunity is not going to knock on your door like this again!! Carpe diem!!! (And best of luck!!) 🙂

    • I could not agree with this more!! This idea is such genius, and full of heart, and it deserves to grow (if that’s what you want!)
      Interns could provide you with the bridge you need until you have the means to take this project where it could potentially lead!

    • Agreed! I don’t even have kids and am already planning on putting in an order when the time comes. I will be devastated if you aren’t around. Your work is beyond words…just brilliant. So fun and fabulous…like making a dream come to life. Just looking through your pictures brings me so much joy!

  58. I will be patiently waiting until you catch your breath! Your work is simply amazing. Looking through your pictures on Flickr tears came to my eyes…what an amazing talent you have and such a wonderful cherished memory you provide for kids and their parents.

  59. OMG. This is brilliant!!!! Absolutely brilliant. Even though you are busy and overwhelmed right now….. you are going to be so blessed! I love to craft….if you end up going big time, I would love to assist in your business! You could hire crafters from around the world to help grow your business. We could all send you photos of the end product and it wouldnt be shipped until you’re satisfied! Keep me in mind!!!

    oh and PS. You are EVERYWHERE on pinterest!

  60. I found you on Pinterest as well. I sent you an email and figured you were probably swamped. As soon as my husband and I saw your work we thought what a great idea. My son LOVES stuffed animals…his bed is overtaken by them…and to have one that was made by one of his drawings just brings tears to my eyes. I know he will love it with all of his heart. He names all of his stuffed animals and I know he will have such a clever name for this one. I will wait for however long it takes. 🙂

  61. I don’t know if you can copyright this talent/work/ideas but since you have gone viral, you may want to think about it. Your work is genius. Hire dome help and keep it all on your terms. I suspected this was going to happen once i saw you on pinterest and facebook. Best wishes

  62. DANG IT! Should have placed my order BEFORE you went viral! but congrats on the exposure, your amazing talent and creations deserve it

  63. Your work is amazing, your idea is brilliant and your execution is flawless! It actually made me tear up when I saw how you bring a child’s ideas to life. I can’t wait until you are less overwhelmed because I am going to be placing some orders for sure!

  64. Unfortunately, I found you on Pinterest, but I promise I didn’t repin! I will subscribe to your page and patiently wait and hope that you will be caught up by the time my now 6-month-old daughter is drawing her first creatures, fairies, princesses, and etc. And, if not, or if you decide this isn’t for you anymore in 3 1/2 – 5 years, I just want you to know that what you are doing is fantastic and wonderful. Your work is just lovely and at least I’ve had a good time viewing the transformations from paper to plushie that you’ve done so far!

  65. I agree with the above reply…..this is an incredible and unique business idea…im not ‘pinning’ you again, but you are now in my favorites bar so hopefully by the time my little boys birthday rolls around in may, you will be caught up and we can order a special creation. Really, cutest thing I’ve seen in a long time. Best of luck to you, I hope you can grow your business because its a fantastic idea.

  66. You should try to be on the show called the Tank…. It might get you the help you need to get this off the ground rolling. Well, it is off the ground but you know what I mean. Good luck I want to send some things in but I also feel bad you are so swamped. Good luck.

  67. I too saw you on pinterest – and then on a design blog I follow. Your work is amazing! I hope you are able to catch up, hire some help, and enjoy what you are doing – it is awesome!! (and in the meantime, I won’t pin you to my pinterest page…I’ll keep quiet!!)

  68. It’s a fantastic idea, and your execution is amazing. I’m sorry I’m one of the people who found out about you on Pinterest 🙂 Good luck with maintaing balance.

  69. I saw you on Pinterest, too. Seriously…this is an awesome idea and it will TAKE OFF if you let it. I agree with Jennifer Whitlock – you should consider hiring help. I’m pretty sure every one of my friends would order from you. Don’t let someone else steal this from you. 🙂

  70. I don’t have a child, but just a warning, you are on pinterest and your work is VERY popular. As a law student, I suggest you hire a lawyer in your area who can help you create a company. Then start hiring help. You’ll be able to write off all your materials for taxes. This is a brilliant idea and could be an incredibly lucrative business… get incorporated now! 🙂

  71. Your work is absolutely stunning! I can’t believe how exactly you capture the spirit of each image. Obviously your own imagination has a lot to do with it. Please don’t stop. I was looking at your beautiful photos and was about to post your link on Facebook when I read your request. Have you considered using a virtual assistant? VAs can help you manage comments and answer e-mails, as well as keeping track of orders. Congratulations on all the attention. You definitely deserve it!

  72. Congratulations! Take advantage of it! Capture the email addresses and start putting them together in mailchimp so you can have your own email newsletter!

    Good luck! love looking at your work!

  73. You are absolutely amazing. I know that you will never catch up because you are so dang good, but I may just send you a picture someday anyway, with no timeline, just for fun. Kudos to you, incredibly creative person!!!

  74. I did blog about you over the weekend (my second time blogging about you) because I just love your work. I noticed yesterday that all the hits onto my blog were to look at your work. I bet it was because of Pinterest as it is the newest thing on the block that everybody is looking at. As I read your post I did think the same thing as the 60 year old granny above – You do have a real surging business opportunity now.

  75. Yes I agree hire some help, your in home idea is blooming into a huge business that everyone is going to want a taste of!! I hope to be able to receive a stuffed toy from you of my childs drawing soon you do amazing work.

  76. Yes! We will be patient. But this is so SO genius. I’ve been looking for someone that does this sort of thing. Once you get caught up, I’d love to have you make some of my drawings for some children’s books that I’m working on. Keep up the amazing work!

  77. Your work is amazing! Yes, hire help because you have a gold mine on your hands!! This could be the best business around if you had a crew of people sewing for you. Get your pins out and get your money flowing in! I wish you the best of luck. I have two artists of my own I’d love to submit something to you- but I’ll wait until you get your crew hired!! Best of luck!

  78. You may have to hire a team, I’ve decided I want to have my 3 children have a drawing come to them too, in form of a softie, and I’ve niether the time, the knowledge or the patience for such a fantastic project! You’ve got something amazing going on here, I totally empathize with your overwhelmed feelings, but your a hit! Many people struggles for years for a business to take off, your doing something we all want, and wish we had time to do. 🙂 I’ll wait a bit for sure, but please don’t give up! 🙂 Best of sucess! And expect many more orders…your too original and too fabulous to forget.

  79. I second the notion, get some help!! I love your idea of making plushies from kids drawings. I kinda wish I had thought of it. *grin* I love to sew, what can I do to help?

  80. You are great…what a fantastic idea…what a nice creation you do ! !!
    The first thought was to promote you in my blog…I’ll respect your will and I’ll go no further…but I’m not sure I’ll resist a lot ! !!

  81. I sent my Mother your site- she is a sewer also! She loves what u are doing! If you need help- she is throwing her name in the hat. You can email me if u r interested! 🙂
    Absolutely love what u r doing- and yes you are ALL OVER Pinterest!

  82. Yes I agree! Please hire some help. I am worried that it will be impossible for you to catch up. I also saw you on Pinterest and fell in love with what you do. You are an amazing artist. If you do have a wait list started, PLEASE put me on it ASAP. I have two young daughters (3 & 7) that would LOVE to have one of your creations. Please do not worry, I am a patient momma 🙂 Whether it gets done by Easter, Summer, or hopefully by next Christmas… I will wait patiently and be happy just knowing that I am making my way up your wait list. If you would spare a quick moment, please let me know that you saw this note & if I’m on your list and of anything I need to do. I will send you the artwork as soon as you instruct me to do so. Thank you so very much 🙂 Alicia Hernandez cadj44@yahoo.com

  83. You are on Pinterest and almost all of my “followers” have you on a board…it will get worse before it gets better, especially if you don’t have any help! The “softies” are lovely and although my 3 are well into their twenties…I am thinking I will send you one drawing from each….but I won’t do it right away 😉

  84. You do incredible work! I just saw you last night on Pinterest, and was sad when I saw your most recent blog entry. Glad that your business is booming, but sad that you are so overwhelmed at this point. I will keep following you and hope to be able to get one of your beautiful creations one day soon! I have three artists on my hand that I would love for you to work with. 🙂

  85. I just saw you on Pinterest and I want to tell EVERYONE I know about you…. but refrain. My child is just 8 months old now, so I won’t be able to order anything for a while but I am SO impressed by your talent. What you are doing is unbelievable and surprisingly affordable. I agree with Jennifer, get some help! I want to be able to send my daughter’s drawings to you in a few years and be able to afford it. Thank you for what you are offering parents and children!

  86. I don’t even have any children but seriously please keep this business going for the next ten years so hopefully I can send you some of my kids drawings! Or else I’m going to have to send you some of my own!

  87. You should look into being on Shark Tank or Dragon’s Den (U.S. and Canadian entrepeneur shows). I’ve booked marked your site and I will hold off on ordering until I see you’ve caught up. Well done! Be sure to patent this amazing idea!!

  88. Your idea and work is amazing! No wonder people can’t help themselves and share this site. Like Jennifer said, maybe it’s time to hire some help? Best of luck, and keep doing what you do!

  89. Yes, you are on Pinterest, everywhere!! And I LOVE your work. I’d love to get something made from my sons work, but I will def hold off. I didn’t repin {because I didn’t want to share what I had discovered, haha}. Your idea could turn into something HUGE. I would pay a lot of money for you to create something for me. Congrats on your success {thus far}. I will wait a while to send a request. BUT I will be back. (: Have a great day!


  90. I agree! Make the investment to hire some staff and your business will thrive! Such an amazing idea and definitely worth pursuing! Good luck and God bless!

  91. I also saw you on Pinterest and after reading this post, I will NOT ‘pin’ you, but it’s hard not too, your work is so amazing! I agree with above poster, please hire someone so that by the time my daughter is old enough to draw something other than scribble, I can submit something to you! Beautiful work!!!

  92. wow. im sorry. ive discovered you from this plea for quiet and am breaking it already and have pinned you! too good not to share. you need to take the next step and make this business to one that employs staff! seriously, genius concept, beautifully executed, shout it out don’t keep it a secret! Please! I’m getting the girls’ crayons out now :))

  93. You absolutely can get some help! There are ‘sew’ many people in this world who are talented and need work! Craig’s List might be a good place to start! I would keep pushing, when a larger company gets wind of this…everything about your craft will change. And I would hate to see the person who created this amazing craft get left in the dust.

  94. I saw your work on Facebook and automatically wanted to “pin” you too, but after reading your latest entry, I didn’t. You are an AMAZING artist, with a beautiful idea! And as clever as you are, I’m sure you will figure how to make it all work for your clients, while remaining true to your art! Best wishes for you and your success!

  95. I totally get this. You start your own business to be creative, to have a more flexible life, to enjoy – no LOVE – what you do, to bring people’s dreams to life and be in command of your own destiny. And then you find you’re having to try and be a production line worker churning things out and wonder what you’ve done to yourself and why the passion is dwindling just a little every day.
    Get the good stuff back before it goes completely. This *may* mean increasing your prices to manage your workflow, and you mightn’t feel good about that. It may mean turning people down, which is very sad. I see this happen to a lot of makers and fairly frequently they decide to close the business down because they can’t love it anymore. I really hope you put things back under your own control, that you choose what is and what is not do-able on your own terms, so that you can continue to love what you do – because only then will you create the toys that match the dreams. It may require a little toughness, saying no more than you say yes, but better to have a smaller number of really exquisite creatures and for you to continue being passionate about them, than to feel you have to churn out as many as is humanly possible and not infuse them with the love they and you deserve. Wishing you lots and lots of luck in getting a balance you’re happy with. And also – my goodness you have a talent, what amazing translations you create. A real joy to see them!

  96. hi there, your talent is such a lovely thing, i wonder how long you can keep it a secret! the work you do is amazing! i have 5 sons, and they (and i) ADORE all the work you’ve done and can’t wait to have you breathe life into their imagined creations (because that is truly what you do when you turn drawings into such adorable stuffies!). i live halfway across the world and would give my little pinky if it would mean getting me on your waiting list in a heartbeat (okay, maybe not my pinky, but definitely something valuable :D). i promise to take down my pin from my pinterest board (which i put up before i saw your latest blogpost)… if it means that i can put in orders for my kids? heehee. seriously though, you rock. and seriously, i am hoping that we get into that waiting list of your awesome work. 🙂 you make me wish i was 5 years old again, just so i could draw my own character and watch you make it come alive. 🙂

  97. This is beautiful, phenomenal work. The heart that you personally put into each lovey is apparent. So I say, keep doing what you do at your pace. Some things – especially with art – just cannot be rushed.

  98. Well I was just about to inquire then saw this, I have to say it makes me a little sad because i really wanted to order but happy for you at the same time because i like to see people succeed in life.
    I’m in no rush so i have subscribed to the blog so i can follow the progress if it would be possible make a post when you are going to start up.

    Best wish ~ Kevin

  99. Oh honey! I’m sorry… you are going to have to hire yourself an army because I just tweeted and Facebooked you to all of my friends after seeing you on Pinterest! Seriously… genius, girl. Pure genius!! I pray great success for you because yours is a beautiful, beautiful idea!

  100. I actually came to ask about whether you’d considered hiring help as well. You can get a remote sewing network set up. I bet it could be amazing for you, your clients and some very lucky people who would learn from your ingenuity!

  101. Love your site, your work and the whole idea of all of this! I too found you on Pinterest. Keep up the good work, because I’m repinning… and I’m sure plenty of other people are as well. 🙂 Good luck!

  102. I am a 60 year old grandmother and I too saw your work on Pinterest…love love love the idea…so please hire some help. You will never catch up if you don’t. You are so creative and talented you must know people. We all know people. lol

  103. congrats! time to hire help?? You’re stuff is amazing… I found you through pinterest.. but I won’t bother you for awhile, hopefully until the dust settles!

  104. I am so excited for you. It’s an amazing idea. Some big company is going to give you $$$ for this, and you’ll get to do it at your leisure. A great idea, great execution! Your ability to bring the drawings to life is unmatched! I cannot wait to see what the future holds for you!

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